Conditions for compost storage in organic fertilizer equipment plants

Organic fertilizer equipment plants need to pay attention to the following conditions when composting storage:

1. Ventilation: The compost storage site should have good ventilation conditions to help eliminate harmful gases generated in the compost and promote the maturity and stability of the compost.

2. Sunshade and rain shelter: sunshade or rain shelter facilities should be set up in the compost storage site to prevent the compost from being soaked by too much direct sunlight and rain, affecting the quality and maturity of the compost.

3. Moisture-proof and impermeable: The compost storage site should have good moisture-proof and impermeable ability to avoid groundwater or rainwater infiltration into the compost and affect the quality of the compost.

4. Smooth and solid: The compost storage site should be smooth and solid to ensure that the compost pile is stable and avoid the collapse or deformation of the pile.

5. Safety and fire prevention: The compost storage site should be equipped with fire prevention facilities to avoid fire during the storage of compost, which will affect the organic fertilizer production line and environmental safety.

6. Easy to operate: the compost storage site should be convenient for equipment operation and compost loading and unloading, and easy to manage and use compost.

7. Environmentally friendly: The compost storage site should meet environmental protection requirements to avoid compost causing pollution or harm to the surrounding environment.

To sum up, when the organic fertilizer equipment factory is composting storage, it is necessary to consider the conditions of ventilation, shade and rain, moisture and seepage prevention, smooth and sturdy, safe and fireproof, easy operation and environmental friendliness to ensure the quality and safety of compost.


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